I’m Jan Hill.
Business leader, executive coach, leadership strategist, engaging facilitator, team alchemist, keynote speaker, author, teacher.
Just as there is no one word or label that can perfectly capture you, there is no one word or label that can perfectly capture me.
7 Tenets That Will Guide Our Partnership
First, do no harm. While I don’t view any client as a patient, I do believe that trust and safety are precious, and my personal code is to honor that.
Be kind, there is rain falling somewhere in everyone’s life.
Nature is our sanctuary. “Keep close to Nature’s heart…and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the wood. Wash your spirit clean.” (John Muir)
Leadership is getting people to follow you into uncharted territory. It is behavioral, not hierarchical. Management is marshaling resources in service of known goals. Most people confuse the two, and therefore, have never really led.
It’s the people with the problem who must solve it; others can provide input and wisdom but can’t solve it for them.
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” (E.E. Cummings)
“Live, Live, Live! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.” (Auntie Mame)
Executive Assessment + Learning and Development Tools
Adaptive Leadership Certificate Harvard University
Tilt 365® Leadership Predictor
Leadership Effectiveness Analysis 360™
Personal Directions™
Individual Directions™
Grove Consultants’ Strategic Visioning Process™
EQ-in-Action Profile™
Behavior Styles™
Teams That Work™
Global Teams Online™
Gender Intelligence™
Five Dysfunctions of a Team™
Community at Work Group Facilitation™
Accelerated Learning Certification™
Leaders surround themselves with the hard-won wisdom of others.
These are a few of my inspirations; perhaps they align with some of yours?
Smart Women Smart Moves
by Jan C. Hill and Vanessa J. Weaver
I wrote this book after deciding to leave a productive career at Procter & Gamble. My co-author, Vanessa, was my trusted advisor and colleague there, and a very wise psychologist. We came to believe that women approached their work relationships much like they did their personal relationships – always seeking a deeper level of commitment if they loved what they were doing. We wrote this book to help people, especially women, determine whether they should stay with their employer or leave them to pursue a better fit elsewhere. I could not have asked for a better launch into the work world than my decade at P&G. Deciding to leave was hard, but it was the “smart move” for me at the time, and it has made all the difference in my life.
If you’re asking questions of yourself and your career then please let me know and I’ll send you a copy of my book.